Robot Tuxedo

Cultured Automaton

Page 6

Sonic Screwdriver

With full knowledge that my geek cred is being put at risk, I’ll admit that I only started watching Dr. Who regularly in 2005. That’s when the series was rebooted after a long hiatus with the fantastic Christopher Eccleston in the title role.

He brought an amazing intensity to the reboot and it proved to be a good launch pad for the fantastic run it has had through Doctor’s David Tennant and Matt Smith. Over the past several years the program has done the best it can with its limited FX budget and sometimes sparse set dressing and consistently delivered some amazing stories and concepts, it’s truly great.

But that greatness doesn’t always translate to outsiders. The same limitations in budget can make some episodes look and feel a bit corny and there’s normally a sense of ‘raised stakes’ that may seem overblown to some who aren’t familiar with the rhythm of a serial sci-fi show. The...

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In which I join Svbtle

For a while now I’ve been toying with the idea of a space to develop thoughts and ideas that just don’t fit, for whatever reason, within the scope of my work at The Next Web. I’ve been following what Dustin has been doing with his own blog over the last several months and I’ve found a lot to like.

When I saw that he was growing his personal platform into the Svbtle network I reached out because I was intrigued. I think that the concept is timely, the aesthetics are top notch and, most of all, the backend is designed to work pretty much exactly how I think.

When working on on developing an article or solving a problem in my writing, I almost invariably start with a single sentence or idea scratched into my notebook. From there it expands into a page or two of notes and data, which then gets fleshed out into an article. The design of Svblte felt to like a good fit for how I process and...

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